Theft Crimes

Shoplifting generally refers to the theft of merchandise from a store or place of business. Shoplifting, like larceny, is a type of theft crime that involves taking the property of someone else without their permission, and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property taken. In criminal court, the value of the merchandise taken determines the sentence and severity of the charge. In South Carolina, if the merchandise taken has a value of two thousand or less, the charge is classified as a misdemeanor and carries a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or imprisonment of not more than thirty days. For merchandise with values of more than ten thousand dollars, the fines go up considerably and the imprisonment sentences can go up to ten years.

In South Carolina a Burglary is committed when a person enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime in the dwelling. A “dwelling” can be almost any structure, not just a home or business. There are three distinct degrees of Burglary in South Carolina, from First Degree to Third Degree, and each with increasingly severe levels of punishments and fines. A Burglary charge is a very serious offense and you need to make sure you are adequately defended and your legal rights protected should you ever be charged with a Burglary offense. Do not rely on an attorney who does not have experience handling a Burglary charge.

Mr. Torres has years of experience successfully defending persons charged with Shoplifting, Fraud and Burglary offenses in South Carolina and he can help you. Call today and make an appointment with Mr. Torres to discuss your legal defense.

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